Thursday, February 14, 2013

FIRST... No but really

So! Here we are. First post of my new blog. Im excited. I like news things, new things are great. Which is the perfect segue into the topic of this blog: Technology.

Now you may think "Ohmigawd not annuther technonerd blog" and to be fair this isn't completely inaccurate (if a little insensitive and off putting). But i'll be using my blog to explore gaming as a hobby turned profession. This is one of the fastest growing entertainment mediums in America right now and it shows no sign of slowing down. Perfect for a blog.

So lets get to know each other. I'm Alex (Or Captain Buffalo as most of my screen names were back in the day), a ruggedly handsome 19 year old who's in love with video games. I've played them ever since i way little. Marathon, the WarcraftsCall of Duty, Morrowind, are all childhood favorites I turn to now and then for "Nostalgia" or the feeling of "forgetting all the crappy graphic and hours of frustrating gameplay". Video games have become much prettier and user friendly, much like girls. In middle school, they're kinda attention seeking and temperamental  but in high school they're exactly the same but you're willing to put up with it now for some reason (Hint: it's probably sex).

I've seen the industry progress. I remember the days when sprinting in First Person Shooters was a wild concept, now you can't find a game that doesn't have it. I've seen the rise of Minecraft, and the fall of Everquest, I watched the little start up company Bungie from it's earliest endeavors (Myth and Myth II were some favorites) to it's greatest achievements in the Halo series.

But right now my interesting is in the budding world of New Media. The fact that I can watch a Mongolian singer belt out the Italian national anthem while sitting in my room in Minnesota is not only hilarious (and confusing if you don't know geography) but also astounding. Such connectivity has limitless implications for our economy, especially in the gaming industry.

We live in a world where you can support your self by playing video games. Look at people like Husky. He doesn't even play competitively but he makes his money in casting. Look at Twitch Tv or JustinTv. These are sites dedicated to helping professional gamers showcase their abilities, get viewers, and play commercials to make some cash. YouTube is where it all started but it's become something much larger. It's become it's own market, industry, whatever you want to call it.

So, I look forward to dissecting the ever changing state

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